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Codemoji - Coding for Kids: Frequently Asked Questions !

Frequently Asked Questions

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  • What is Codemoji?
  • Codemoji is a breakthrough coding platform that's as easy to learn as texting your friends with emoji. Codemoji fast-tracks learning by eliminating pesky code syntax and typing hurdles, focusing on intuitive, relatable emoji that represent and function as standard in HTML and CSS code.

    At the heart of Codemoji is a deep belief that learning to code should not be hindered by a lack of proficient typing or syntax confusion, but focused on creating, building and mastering the fundamentals of code. Codemoji empowers coders, instantly bolstering their confidence and efficiency allowing for rapid learning and long-term retention.

    Free coding courses

    Codemoji offers free coding courses for kids all year round though our hour of code program. Our team has created two free coding activies for kids to learn basic programming. You can find these free coding courses by click one of the two activies. HTML Hour of Code activie or Bamboo Js activite featured on . Codemoji helps students of all ages learn basic programming.

    Computer science curriculum for k-8 : The curriculum is organized into courses where students move at their own pace through scaffolded lessons to learn concepts and apply them creatively. Codemoji includes everything you need to teach programming in a fun, engaging way, including lesson plans, teacher guides, answer keys, and standards alignment.

  • Do I need coding experience or training to use Codemoji with my students?
  • Not at all! No coding experience and no training is required. Teachers love Codemoji because the self-paced curriculum gets students started on their own. Codemoji provides a rich set of resources to answer student questions. We've found that teachers can also learn alongside the students, and in a collaborative environment, students can also help and inspire each other. Codemoji has lots of innovations to empower any teacher, regardless of experience, to teach programming to their students. With interactive lectures that teach programming concepts, step-by-step tutorials that walk students through programming projects, and hands-on coding exercises with instructions, students learn at their own pace. Teachers can spend more time with students who need extra help, and less time preparing lessons.

  • Do my students need prior experience?
  • Codemoji provides a fun and easy introduction to programming for all students. Early elementary students can get started with Codemoji through the engaging Codemoji lesson in preparation for Codemoji project-based programming courses starting in 1st grade. At Codemoji we designed our courses for students of all ages to learn real HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

  • Can I use Codemoji with my entire school?
  • Absolutely! Codemoji's courses teach curricula programming through the activities that students loveƉ Games! 1st graders solve website building using Codemoji. Upper elementary students learn the basics of programming design to create a fun interact website using the Playground Area that have pictures, videos, games and even a real interactive Google Map.

  • What do my students learn with Codemoji?
  • Codemoji's curriculum is designed to teach students computational thinking and core computer science concepts. Through Codemoji, students learn the fundamentals of programming found in all porgramming languages. Codemoji lessons not only make it easy for students to understand abstract programming concepts, but they learn how to apply concepts to different projects, games and scenarios. Students learn programming concepts such as loops and variables, repetition, conditional logic, functions. Students also acquire critical skills, such as problem decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction, algorithmic thinking, and automation. Once students have a strong grasp of the fundamentals, they can transition to any mainstream programming language, such as HTML, CSS and Javascript.

  • Is it easy to monitor what my students are learning?
  • Absolutely! We understand how busy educators are, which is why we have a whole suite of educator tools.Codemoji has a built-in assessment framework that tracks student progress, individually and at the class level. You can use the tools in the dashboard for, grading and metrics dashboards to easily track how your students are learning. Codemoji's Classroom Management Tools eliminate much of the "work" involved in teaching, and let you focus on your students.

  • What are Codemoji Courses like?
  • Codemoji Cources are fun because we use Emoji's but learning to Code can be hard but students love coding because they are able to create something amazing.
  • How can I use Codemoji at my school?
  • Codemoji is a flexible platform that is being used in lots of ways across the US and Canada schools. Schools are using Codemojilesson plans to teach programming in formal Computer Science classes or to support project-based learning across all subject areas -- science, math and more. Schools can use Codemoji to supplement classroom teaching with 21st century skill-building or roll out a comprehensive and progressive programming curriculum across all grades.

  • Why Codemoji is so successful?
  • Why is so successful in helping students learn to code is simple; our platform makes it fun for students because they learn real skills and are not merely playing games like other programming logic platforms.

  • Have additional questions?
  • We have answers! Contact us to learn more about teaching programming at your school with Codemoji.

      What we do: Codemoji is a breakthrough coding platform that's as easy to learn as texting your friends with emoji. Codemoji fast-tracks learning by eliminating pesky code syntax and typing hurdles, focusing on intuitive, relatable emoji that represent and function as standard in HTML and CSS code.

      At the heart of Codemoji is a deep belief that learning to code should not be hindered by a lack of proficient typing or syntax confusion, but focused on creating, building and mastering the fundamentals of code. Codemoji empowers coders, instantly bolstering their confidence and efficiency allowing for rapid learning and long-term retention.

      Future/Yo this could be big: Yesterday was rote learning and IQ scores. Today is problem solving and persistence, envisioning and creating. There are no limits to what we can achieve. In this decade, success comes from thoughtful observation, from trying over and over again, from unswaying dedication and genuine passion.

      Mission/What we believe: We believe that nurturing enthusiasm and happiness in every child will allow them to shape their future. As teachers and parents and mentors, teaching our kids how to code is like gifting them the knowledge and tools to reach for the stars. We at seek to inspire life-long passion for coding, imagination without bounds, and the courage to chase after your dreams.