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Codemoji Blog - What’s the role of the Hour of Code?

What’s the role of the Hour of Code?

Hour of Code Hour of Code Hour of Code

Many children will look forward to the hour of code as a time when they engage their creativity, and for a lot of people, this is the best avenue they have for uncovering their potential. Keeping tab of progress is a good idea for everyone who participates in the hour of code program. A record of metrics is a good way for both students and teachers to analyze their performance and identify approaches that will make learning fun and meaningful. It is impressive when teachers who teach the hour of code program talk of the many hours they have served or the many lines of code that have resulted from the program, but what is even more impressive is the general chance of attitude towards coding.

Break stereotypes

Most people will not even bother to know what computer scientists do, but the title alone is enough not to want anything to do with it. It sounds like a hard subject to take leave alone make a life out of but wait until you have attended an hour of code program. It is not practical to learn a brand new skill just by being exposed to it one hour at a time. This one hour only works to familiarize oneself with a computer, basic programming and debugging. The goal of the hour of code is to help people to understand that a software developer is a regular person who enjoys what they do.

Analyze the benefit of coding for kids

The internet and mobile phone technology have posed a challenge for software developers who are nowadays creating apps for any digital function imaginable. Everybody at some point or another in their life has been exposed to apps but very few people ever stop to think how they are made. The hour of code is a perfect scenario for appreciating the contribution that coding has brought with it. By thinking about the useful apps in use, programming for kids becomes a part of life with positive impact.

Get everyone involved

Teachers who host the hour of code are not necessarily experts in computer science. To encourage all levels of teachers to participate in the program, code mojo has an activity featured on that provides guidance. The good thing is that coding is for everybody that is why the emphasis is being placed on kids to develop interest early.

The hour of code is a global movement, and while the United States is yet to record 100% impact on children, more countries around the world are warming up to the idea of incubating computer scientists.

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