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10 ways to teach programming

programming for kids

Top 10 Nimble ways to Teach Programming for Kids this Holiday Season

If you’re like most parents, you’re probably split between providing your little ones with something fun or something educational this holiday season. But, it doesn’t have to be that way thanks to programming for kids.
That’s right. Programming for kids brings the better of the two worlds. Here are 10 ways that can help you efficiently teach programming for kids during the holiday season.

Use Coding Games
We cannot emphasize enough the need to teach programming for kids in today’s changing world. So, instead of waiting for schools to open, you can purchase a slew of fabulous games that encourage children to learn programming skills (and have plenty of fun while at it).
Games that are ideal for programming for kids include:
#1. Coding for Kids by is a break though coding platform that teaches k-8 students how to code webpages, apps and much more using emojis as the on ramp to a life long love of coding.
#2. Hour of Code by
It boasts free hour-long, game-like tutorials that teach children how to code based on favorite movies such as Moana, Star Trek, Minecraft, and so forth. It’s ideal for kids 4 years+
#3. Robot Turtles
A board game, Robot Turtles, teaches the basics of programming for kids using fun tricks. It’s a perfect coding game for children between 3 and 8 years.
#4. Foos
Foos is an app that’s also based on Scratch by MIT. It allows kids to interact with cool characters called “Foos”

Use Programming Toys
Great coding toys you must look out for this Christmas season include:
#5. Dash and Dot If your little one loves robots, then Dash and Dot will do the trick. These are blue cute tiny robots that teach the fundamentals of robotics. The kids can program the robot using an app.
#6. Let’s Start Coding
It’s a hands-on kit that comprises lights and circuit boards that help bring the allure of programming for kids to life. The toy kit best for kids 8 years+
#7. Lego Mindstorms
With this coding toy, children can build and program Lego robots. Even better, these robots respond to commands from an Android or iOS app.

Use Programming Books for Kids
#8. Super Scratch Programming Adventure!
This workbook helps your little one learn the fundamentals of programming for kids as well as build playable, fun video games.
#9. Python for Kids: A Playful Introduction to Programming It’s never too early to teach programming to your kids. This book makes learning Python a breeze for children.
#10. Use Online Resources and Tutorials
There are a plethora of online tutorials that can help you teach programming to your kids like a pro. Think of, Codemonkey,, and Scratch to name a few when starting your coding journey.

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