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How Coding can raise math scores!

How Coding can raise math scores!!!

Coding Coding Coding

Math is a hard subject, right? Well ask any 11-15 year old, and you will be amazed about the general outlook as far as this subject is concerned. Without much effort though, many kids who are actively engaged in coding now have embraced the love for math, which to many parents’ is a relief. The manner in which kids who are being exposed to coding from an early age are having their way with math problems is the only proof that coding for kids is changing the general perception that people have on math. This is the only proof that parents need to allow their children to code while still in school. So, how does math benefit from coding?

Reverse benefit

For a long time, people thought and even thought of computer programmers as people who were good in math but the tables seem to be turning. By learning how to code, kids are learning skills that they would easily transfer to math problems, not only saving the time spent on them but also engaging critical analysis to find answers. It comes naturally, and this makes it less stressful – it is almost like being congratulated for something you did not put any effort in.

Increases their range of visualization

Math has got different stages and it so happens that kids who find the lower levels hard will struggle with the subject for the rest of their academic life. Coding for kids requires that a programmer visualizes a possible outcome without actually having seen it. This same visualization technique, when applied to equations, has been known to bear fruit. Instead of counting with the fingers, long vision problems can be tackled by first visualizing the whole numbers than trying to factor in the reminder. This improvement is not limited to just a single stage or class but to all grades in general.

Divide and conquer concept

The most talented programmers approach any piece of code as part of a bigger puzzle or a puzzle that can be broken down into small manageable chunks. Organization of data, analysis of results and computational assessment of code easily apply to math problems because most of them require step by step solution finding.

Coding teaches kids to solve problems

Programming for kids is the process of simplifying life by finding practical solutions to common challenges of life. While some problems are more or less the same in terms of the approach needed to solve them, most of them involve a long process of testing and debugging to ascertain their validity. This is the case when dealing with math problems, because testing an answer is the only way of verifying the method, technique and formula used.

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